Awaken Your Inner Whole Woman
Awaken Your Inner Whole Woman
Unlock Your True Calling: Navigating Purpose, Emotional Healing, and Creative Empowerment with Justina Ford
Unlock the secrets to discovering your true calling and purpose with our extraordinary guest Justina Ford. As a dynamic army veteran spouse, homeschooling mother, worship leader, professional makeup artist, and dedicated coach, Justina brings a wealth of wisdom and experience to our conversation.
Beyond mere actions, we explore embodying one's purpose through presence, voice, and being. Justina's experiences as a makeup artist in intimate settings allowed her to uncover deeper personal struggles and desires in her clients, leading her to integrate psychology and emotional health into her practice. This journey underscores the significance of addressing emotional and traumatic barriers to help clients align their dreams with reality. We also discuss the powerful role of energy healing in personal transformation, enabling individuals to create meaningful impacts in the world around them.
Finally, we delve into the fascinating world of energy psychology and the frequencies of emotions. Justina introduces us to Splankna Therapy, a method for releasing trapped emotions and breaking cycles of frustration. We highlight the importance of mental rehearsal, imagination, and techniques like tapping and bilateral stimulation in achieving personal growth. By blending healing with creative work, Justina offers profound insights on unlocking one's full potential. Join us for an enlightening episode that promises to equip you with the tools to master your inner whole woman.
Guest Host: Justina Ford
IG: @soulfullyalignedyou
Healing and Wholeness for Every Woman
Welcome to Awaken your Inner Whole Woman, the show for spiritually rooted women who are hungry for change and growth. I am your host, Natalie Warren, and my mission as a personal development strategist and inner healer is to inspire, educate and motivate women worldwide to stop limiting themselves and settling for less than what they want and were created to be. If you are ready to transform your life by getting out of your own way, hearing your soul's voice above the noise and activating your life's purpose, you are at the best place. Let's tune in to today's episode of Awaken your Inner Whole Woman. Hello, hello, hello to Awaken your Inner Whole Woman podcast. I am delighted you're here.
Speaker 1:I know it's not by chance that our paths have crossed, whether this is the very first time or you've been on this journey with me for a while. Welcome to the space, the space where I know you're here because you are wanting to awaken. You want to awaken to the truth of who you are. You want to awaken to consciousness. You want to awaken to healing, to transformation.
Speaker 1:However you might describe that, what I know, what we have in common is that we're both on a path of awakening, and I am delighted that you have joined to listen in this particular episode because we are going to talk about something that many people have thoughts about, have questions about. It's probably the number one question that we all want to know is why am I here, why am I here, what is my purpose? And we're going to dive into this conversation about purpose and calling and see where you see yourselves. And I have a special guest that is going to be joining, has already joined us in this conversation and I look forward to she and I just speaking to this and seeing where it leads us. So Justina Ford is here. I'm delighted that you're here. Please introduce yourself to the audience. Let us know who you are and what you do.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so I am a veteran spouse, veteran army spouse, army veteran spouse, make sure I say that right. And then I'm also a homeschooling mother. I'm a worship leader at my church. First and foremost a child of God, daughter of the Most high. And then in my to do's I would say that I'm a professional makeup artist. I've been in the beauty industry for 13, 14 years. It's been quite a while. And then I'm also in the coaching industry where I focus in on mindset and healing, personal development, spiritual development, all those type of things. So that is the nature of the work that I do.
Speaker 1:Wow, Wow. And I feel so intrigued when we talk because I learned something new about you. Our paths crossed and I see, as we learn of each other, why, right? Why are our paths crossed at this season in our lives? Because we do very similar work and we do it in very similar ways. So thank you for being a part of the podcast. We're gonna jump into this conversation. We started it earlier and they just now get to eavesdrop on some of the things that we talked about. But I'm curious given your work, given your experience, how do you define purpose? Like what is that? Because many people have that question.
Speaker 2:Yes, Wow, I will say it has been like a journey, lots of years of like trying to figure out, okay, what's my purpose? What's my purpose? Why am I here, what am I supposed to be doing? And like kind of connecting purpose to doing. And I feel like that was like a really big mistake. I'll say kind of like leading you down like so many different paths on purpose.
Speaker 2:And it wasn't until I was reading scripture and I'll be really honest, I'm not good at quoting scripture, but it lives in my heart. So I remember reading a scripture that talked about my purpose and my purpose was to give God thanks. And I was just like, oh shoot, all this time I think I've been making this more difficult than what it really is Like God created me and it's to give him thanks, give him glory through whatever I do. And then I met this woman Her name is Sarah Thiessen and she actually teaches on like purpose and calling and all this stuff. And she teaches some other things too. We may get into it, but she was talking about our calling and I love how wide she kind of made it. She kind of talked about like a pizza of different slices and you have a slice and you get to live within that slice, so it doesn't necessarily have to be something that's so like specific and like just this one thing.
Speaker 2:So I tend to look at purpose and calling as two different things. And then even in calling, I see a big C calling, especially if you are a woman of faith, a Christian. We all have a calling to spread the gospel and tell people about Jesus and all of that. However, there's a little C calling right where it is your personal calling, that thing that you know that God designed you for you, for there are certain gifts and talents and experiences and maybe education or things that you've pursued in life, not because other people told you to do it, but because it was a genuine interest. I feel like that lives in the realm of calling. So yeah, that's my thoughts around purpose and calling.
Speaker 1:No, I love it because what you said is so important. We get tied up on what we do and I think I have seen that we categorize things as more important, less important, and so when we find that maybe my purpose, as we would tend to define that, is to bring joy to people, right, we might think that feels smaller than someone who has what we can define as a bigger purpose. But you're saying we have a similar purpose. If we were to really look at it, it's pretty common, it's pretty similar amongst us all, and then there are different, unique callings within how we live or what we do as we live. I'm wondering how freeing was that for you?
Speaker 2:Oh, my goodness, I think I may have been in my excuse me my mid twenties, late twenties, when I came to that epiphany of like, this purpose. It doesn't have to be like this. One specific thing that you do is more of like almost like a theme or a banner that's over your life of what you stand for, so to speak, and that purpose piece. I think when I found that, first of, okay, god, I'm here to give you thanks and give you glory, lots of freedom in that, because I could look around me and say, okay, god, I'm grateful. I'm grateful for the things I see in nature, I'm grateful for the things I see in people, I'm grateful for what you've done, I can give you thanks and praise and those things, so I got to kind of live in that realm. It took a lot of stress off and then, I believe, those natural interests began to reveal themselves.
Speaker 2:And there are even certain difficult moments in my life where I was on one path, like I was studying psychology and I was getting my master's in human service counseling, and I had a shift in a move where I moved internationally overseas to South Korea and that kind of put a halt in some things because my husband's military.
Speaker 2:So it's like you feel like you come up against these barriers and you're like wait, I thought I was going on my path, I thought I was, you know, fulfilling the calling, and God's like no, I'm going to show you something a little bit different. So he brought me back to childhood passions and I love to ask people that, like when you were a kid, what was it that you loved or things like interests that you had, because there weren't those barriers, there weren't those people telling you you can or can't do those things. It's almost like a natural thing. And I remember when I had told my mom I was probably like 15, 16. And even at 13, 14, 15, I was always helping people do their hair, putting makeup on their face, all that kind of stuff.
Speaker 2:Before even knowing that was like an industry that I wouldn't even find myself in. But by the time I hit like 17, I had whispered like real quiet. I was like mom, I think I want to go to cosmetology school. And it was like really quickly, like shut and no, you're going to get a four year degree, you're going to college. I was the first person to go to college, you know, in my family.
Speaker 2:So it's just ironic how, like when I went to Korea, there was a break and a pause in the thing that I was pursuing, and that definitely was because my family told me like I was very, very obedient child. I did what my parents told me to do, and then when I went to South Korea, there were all these opportunities to volunteer in a theater and do makeup and all this stuff. So sometimes we connect our purpose and call to money also. And it's crazy because I was just volunteering and I was just serving and I was feeling happy and joyous. I'm like I'm getting reconnected to the thing that I had originally wanted, originally wanted, and I'll say I believe God gave me that experience because there's no way that I could have stepped into that psychology, inner healing and like helping women find freedom and go back to their passions and the things that they have desired all along.
Speaker 2:If I didn't have an opportunity to tap into that first, to live that and walk that out, because it made no sense for me to have a whole master's degree and then going back and being a freelance makeup artist, people literally laughed in my face and joked and had sarcastic remarks like you got a whole master's degree, what are you doing? Why are you doing that? You know volunteering in a theater, doing makeup. But I think another important thing is our values, like the things that we value. Do you value authenticity? Do you value your passion? Do you value the truth of, like your desires and the things that interest you? Do you value operating in alignment? Because when I was in that space it felt so aligned but it did not make sense because I wasn't getting paid.
Speaker 2:You ain't getting paid, sister. But ironically enough, after, like the third show, the company said hey, we have a budget and we want to pay you. And the whole time I had never in my brain thought I could even get paid for this type of work. So that's God. He's doing that, he's making those connections, he's putting that on the hearts of people. So it's never easy to walk in your calling. There's always a price you're going to have to pay to walk in that calling. But are you willing to pay the price?
Speaker 2:And that was part of my journey, even in homeschooling my kids. That was something that I felt called to do to educate my children. So it's not always in our own personal doing or career wise that calling can be in the way you live your life also. And I see home educating as a lifestyle. That was a lifestyle in which we education is a lifestyle like this, just that whole aspect of things. So when it comes to calling, again, I think bigger than just doing. I think bigger than just money. I really look at it as a lifestyle and authenticity and how we show up and how we present ourselves.
Speaker 1:So yeah, yes, yes, and I love how you explained what you thought was getting off the path quote unquote was actually leading you to the path where you talked about the path of going to pursue a degree, and then you went to what seemed to be an opposite pathway, but it was all interconnected because it helps you to do the work that you currently do. I just love that, because I think so many people have this idea I'm on the wrong path. I don't think you are on the wrong path. That path is leading you exactly where you're going and what you need in order to get there. So thank you for sharing that.
Speaker 1:And then this idea of my purpose isn't what I am doing. You're saying it and I love that because for me, it's an embodiment. It's who I am, my purpose oozes out of me, my purpose is in my presence, it's in my voice, it's in my way of being, and when we embody that, it takes the pressure off of doing it a certain way. If you're not doing that thing, you feel like I'm not operating in my purpose or calling, but it's not that, it's a way of being. So do you help clients, because I know you also now do the work that you're talking about. Is this a part of what you implement in the work that you do?
Speaker 2:Yes, yes, I'll say when I was doing the makeup, I was doing makeup in the boudoir industry, like photography and all of that, and then I ended up in doing some for TV and film and working with actors and all that kind of stuff and being a makeup artist. Technically, you're like a therapist, like you have people in your chair, they're talking to you, they're sharing things with you and you're having a whole space. You're holding space with them, whether they say, like the makeup room is like the secret room where, like, all the truths and the gossip comes out and all that kind of stuff. But I keep it clean in the makeup room. I'm not the guy. I don't get into all the gossip, but the secrets and the truth of what's in your heart, right? So I would be hearing women like talk about. They're asking me what I do and how I got into this, and then we get into their life and how they're operating and what they're doing and all of that. So it was one of those things where I could sense that wait a second, I need to have another aspect of what I'm doing. Yes, I love this makeup work, but I want to go deeper and it actually connected me back to the degree, the education, and I was like, oh man, there was a place for that. I just didn't know where it would fit back in, right? So those you know, psychology skills and social, emotional skills and blah, blah, blah that served me well while I have the clients in the chair. So how did I? I think your question was, how did I help them? Or what was it that we were doing? It really was having them sit and think about their lives, like, what are you doing now that's connecting you to the life that you truly want to live.
Speaker 2:Something that I used to share with women is really about taking the things that are on paper, because I believe that women they're journaling, they're writing, they're whispering those little secrets down on paper, and it's like how do you take those little things off paper and manifest them into reality, live out those desires? So when you sit in my chair and I'm hearing about you struggling in a relationship that you know, you know is not serving you, or you're in a job that is sucking the life out of you, right? Or you're wanting to experience some level of strength and health, and you're not, you're not, you're not giving yourself permission to operate in that, like all the different domains of life, when I hear those things, I'm like man. I want to help you have freedom from that. I want to help you break free from that.
Speaker 2:And I ended up going into some additional studies, which I mentioned. My mentor, sarah Thiessen. She is the author of the book Redeeming Energy Psychology for the Kingdom of God. So I started reading that book and learning about how emotions and memories and certain traumatic events that we experience, they get stored in our body and that's why a woman can come and sit in my chair and talk about all the things that she desires, but she's not necessarily moving toward those things.
Speaker 2:So it really is about movement and I'm just, I'm really grateful for my experiences because I would say I'm the multi passionate queen. I've probably done everything out there, from waitressing to lease an agent to life agent to top of the answer, to like all the things. So when I see all these different pieces that I've been able to step into and realize those are not me doing all those things are not me. It's really about the values and how I've chosen to live my life and the sacrifices that I've made to get closer to creating impact and creating value. I think those are the biggest pieces and it's hard to do. Those create impact and value and all those things when you're unsatisfied with your own life and you can only see yourself and only look at what you got going on.
Speaker 2:Right, so we got. I want to move people past that point of what was me queen of like. I know I have my days, even still to this day, where I'll even shift into a victim mode. But you best believe we're shifting out of it quickly. But when we stay in those places we cannot be of that purpose that we have on the inside of us. That calling that we have on the inside of us. I feel like there's almost like a lampshade over it because we're not actually doing the inner work that we need to do to shift through our things and then to be able to outwardly, you know, help and support and make a difference in the world.
Speaker 1:So yeah, right, no, which I think is a part of the calling that you're speaking to. Right, no, which I think is a part of the calling that you're speaking to. And you're right. When we have emotional experiences, trauma, things that get in the way, it dims our light right, essentially, from being able to really do what it is we are to do more about. As it relates to the book and the work that you do with energy healing not a term that many people may know of or understand, or maybe have misconceptions around how will you describe that? How will you put it in words?
Speaker 2:Yes, when I think of okay, when, with energy, I always say this if you walk into a room where people were just arguing, you walk into a room where people were just arguing Like a couple, they just got a knock down, drag out argument and you walk into that room and they've only shut it off because another presence came in, you're going to feel the thickness of the room. So when I think of energy, that's what I'm thinking about, like what is that? How do you move and which energy are you moving and making decisions and you know, creating and all of that, because the big part of this is like we all have to make how many decisions a day. I don't remember the number. There's probably like thousands of decisions that we're making each day, and then we're trying to create the life we want, we want and desire. What is the energy in which we do that and if we're offering, one of the things about energy too is, I think, about emotions.
Speaker 2:Emotions have frequency, they hold weight, so and then we have you know, that emotional regulation piece is so important into making sound decisions and then creating from a space of authenticity, with lightness and not that heaviness, and then you throw the psychology on there and hopefully people get that too. So that's what my whole idea with energy psychology how those things come together to be able to really process your feelings, process your emotions, see the connections between how you behave, how you act, how you're feeling stagnant or stuck, and get to the roots of where that comes from, because there's something, that's a place in your life where you're still living in the energy of that thing and it's showing up today. So that's how I would explain energy psychology.
Speaker 1:Yes, and I think it's so helpful to know that, because we just live, right, we just move from moment to moment, day to day, not conscious of energy and what it means. I mean, you're right, there are times and, depending on how sensitive you are to it, you can walk in a space and know if there was excitement there. I think about a basketball game right, people are gone, but you still feel the excitement. It's just like what's here, or other experiences. I have been to a lacrosse game, I remember, recently, and they started fighting and I could feel the tension come into the space from the players fighting. So I think you're giving examples of that, but we know so many other ways that this shows up and I think, in the work you do and I want you to talk a little bit more about it we understand that those emotions get stuck in the body and I certainly believe that. Have seen that. How does that look and how do you help people through that in your work?
Speaker 2:Yeah, with emotions getting stuck in the body. I literally had a two-hour session right before this. So I have like an idea in my mind working with a particular client where there have been so many different frustrations in her life, and I mean, if you can think of a child that has had to take on the responsibility of the adults in their lives to the point where, like, they're riding a public school bus for almost two hours just to get to school because no one is there to get them there, right, and not the school bus I'm talking about public transportation with adults and other people like that's scary. When I think about my child having to do something like that, it breaks my heart. And but that's just one example of, like the weight and the heaviness that this, then the frustrations in their life that they've had to deal with over and over and over. However, being the resilient person that this person is, she, it's almost like this pendulum swing, in a sense, where it's like I'm not going to become a victim and I'm not gonna fall prey to all of these different setbacks and frustrations, but what I'm going to do is become self-reliant and I'm going to make it happen, no matter what, right. So then it's like uh-oh, how is that playing out now in your business, in the way you operate as an entrepreneur and in this case it is no team doesn't know how to ask for help, feels guilty when they ask for help because they're so used to doing it themselves. And those frustrations they've never even fully connected with them. They didn't even realize it was a frustration. It's just stuff I deal with. So now, in the present, when they deal with these frustrations, it's almost as if they live in the energy of frustration and that's the only way they know how to operate so that they can re-energize that power in that, knowing that I can handle this and I'm going to do it myself. So it's like this little cycle situation, right, so I'm sharing that to say OK, now what do we do about that? I'm sharing that to say OK, now, what do we do about that? How do we break this cycle?
Speaker 2:In the work that I do, which is called Splunkna Therapy and Splunkna is S-P-L-A-N-K-N-A for those who are like what the heck is that word? And it's Greek for gut what we're able to do is something called theme work, and in the theme work we're able to find something called bookends. When did these events start, these frustrations? When did they have the most impact on you and when did they start to? When did those frustrations end? But yet now you're operating in the symptoms of it.
Speaker 2:So we're able to capture this, these bookends, and we'll just for the sake of an example, say age 15 to 30. So our Holy Spirit will whisper those ages to me and I'll be okay, cool. We got the bookends 15 to 30. And then, however many events that all share the same emotions it could be 50 events, it could be a hundred events. We can grab the emotions from every single one of those events that they share and we can help our clients release those emotions from their body. I love theme work because, in one sense of a person comes and they want to talk about each one of those events it could take a long time to try to process every single one of them and sometimes my clients do.
Speaker 2:I'm like we don't have to talk about all of them. We can talk about a couple. You know we'll do that. But then I have to like, let's clear them, let's get them out of the body. So we know where, based on science and research about the meridian lines, and where emotions are stored in the body. If anyone wants to read molecules of emotion by candace, pert, all that good stuff, we know where the emotion. I'm even looking at a chart right here like where all the emotions are stored in the body. So we can go there through touch, thought and circuitry, those things coming together, to then release the emotions from the body. And that's the work that I was doing right before getting on this call with you and finding all those emotions that are stored in those events. Then, not only finding those emotions and releasing them, but this is a key part finding the benefit. There's something that you're getting out of operating that way, some way in which it is serving you, is a twisted way.
Speaker 2:You know that you're being served, yes, maladaptive, and we want to find that too and we want to clear that and we want to come out of agreement with that. And then, because I love the spiritual side of things for those that are listening, I know some people make if you're not a Christian or believer, you may call it shadow work I'm learning about these things. Oh, is that what they're?
Speaker 1:calling it.
Speaker 2:Shadow work, and shadow work is talking about the darkness. This is where you're talking about demonic entities, demonic things that are attached to the agreement that you actually made. So we want to go in and break agreement with those things and clear out the legal right because you've come in agreement with it, those things, and clear out the legal right because you've come in agreement with it. And we do that through revoking and renouncing and forgiveness and confession and all those different pieces. So it's a beautiful combination of the mind, body work, the psychology processing, processing this stuff and then also going into the spiritual components as well and then also going into the spiritual components as well. So the protocol of splunkna therapy is what we would be using to help women, men, people in general, who want to shift out of these type of behaviors or ways of being that are actually blocking them from moving into their purpose and moving into their calling Right.
Speaker 1:Yes, I love that. I love that you took the time to explain that, because I know even the listeners are thinking what, how does this work? What does this look like? And helping us to see that sometimes this is why you say I don't know why I keep doing X, y and Z right, like you have it in the logical mind, but something is blocking you and you can't move forward. And so what you're explaining is that process that you take your clients through to clear all of that stuff so that they can live and be who they were intended to be. I love it. I love it. I'm all about personal development and healing work. So all of my neurons are firing because it's such important work, such important work. So, for those that are listening, she has given insight into it. They may be thinking at this point like how do I connect with her? Like what, what is the ways to stay connected with you? Please share with the audience.
Speaker 2:Yes, my business name is Soulfully Aligned you, and I want to share on that, too, because recently someone asked they were like, why did you call your business Soulfully Aligned you? Why are you trying to align with the soul? And I'm like, no, that's not what we're trying to do. We're trying to get the soul in alignment with the father. So I'm speaking from a state that I already see you at soulfully aligned with the father. So this is you being aligned with the father, so with your creator, right? The one that created you, the one that says that he will. He came to prosper you and not to harm you. All of that, that you're a masterpiece. He came to prosper you and not to harm you. All of that, that you're a masterpiece, right?
Speaker 2:So Soulfully Align you is really about getting the soul, the will, the emotion, thoughts all of that in alignment with truth. And that's what we get to do when we clear out all of these stuck emotions that are just that energy, that stagnant energy is what I like to call it. That's just stuck. And so, yeah, sofley Align you. I am on Instagram, you can put in at Sofley Align you. I'm on Facebook at Sofley Align you, and lately I've been doing a lot more of my content sharing and all of that on my personal Facebook page, which probably isn't a good thing, but I just do it anyways, and that is right, so, but the crazy part is my husband and I share a Facebook page and I have not changed the name of it, so it would be Justina the letter N, travis Ford.
Speaker 2:So some people think my middle name is Travis, which is okay. I love him so much. I don't mind that being my middle name. But, yeah, you can find me on Facebook, you can find me on Instagram, and then my website is just justtinafordcom.
Speaker 1:So, yeah, okay, Wow, Well, I paused to add that because I could feel that someone is thinking how do I connect that sounds really interesting in the work that you do Share with us. As we're coming close to the end of our time today. Share anything else you think the listeners would want to know or need to know, or is on your heart to share, as it relates to purpose calling, as it relates to being healed of the things that are keeping us stuck. What would you want to share?
Speaker 2:Yeah, I think that oftentimes we talk about healing, healing, healing, healing all the time. I know in my world that's what we talk about you got to heal this and you got to heal that. But I love the idea of creative work and this is like capacity building. Emotions we also want to, like download the frequency of the thing that we desire. Also, and that to me, is so beautiful because sometimes we weren't equipped with the Thing, like in our childhood, through our Growing up, all of we may not have, may not have been equipped with this emotion or this capacity or this skill set.
Speaker 2:And the beauty of creative Work, which is something that we get to do in this protocol as well, is that you may come in and you may have been working with a therapist, a psychotherapist, all that beautiful stuff, and you've done all this healing work.
Speaker 2:But now God is like it's time to build capacity for where I want you to be, and we have a peak performance algorithm where what I love about this is that I don't know if anyone has heard the study of, like the athletes where they do mental rehearsal and that betters their performance Right, not just the physical doing, but it's the actual visualization and some and the mental rehearsal. Take, for example, a baseball player who's trying to hit that strikeout Right. He will mentally rehearse that and that helps his performance. So it's the same thing where we have an algorithm and this is video so I can show. I guess I can show you what that algorithm looks like. Oops, I don't have it right in front of me, but it's a form of tapping and I believe this is actually it, like under the arm, the eyes, the collarbone, and then you go into your triple warmer, which are your bilateral stimulation of the eyes and all that, yes.
Speaker 2:So the peak performance algorithm is something that I love because we're combining mental rehearsal, which is the visualization, and the imagination, which I believe the imagination is a gift from God and we want to steward it well Right. We're imagining. What does he say? Think on these things that are good and lovely and pure and all of that. So we're taking that concept, the mental rehearsal, plus the body work, right, the mind and the body coming together to think about what it would look like when you reach that goal. What is it going to feel like when you reach that goal?
Speaker 2:So I love I got to do that work today with a client. We're taking her through that algorithm and when she was doing that, some other things came up right, even though we're having her focus on the positive. Then it was like oh, my time management, that's a thing I've got to focus on, my discipline. It was like all the pieces that she was like she's needing to get to that point is now coming up to the surface for her. So I love it. I love the idea of creative work and healing work, kind of working in tandem. So that would be something I wanted to just add in there.
Speaker 1:Absolutely. And I love the reframe right, because sometimes when we think, oh, I have to do more healing, it can feel daunting. But to add in this creativeness, add in this kind of imagination, and I love it because I love the scripture that says you'll do more than you can ask, think or imagine, right. So this unlimited capacity in our imagination is so powerful that as adults we lose sense or touch with. But kids are so in tune with that kind of imaginative mind. So I appreciate that you shared that, bringing a different perspective to that that someone can feel like. You know what I want to.
Speaker 1:I choose to do more creative work because I know there's so much more to who I am and so much more to what I have to give to the world. So thank you so much, justina, for being here, sharing your experience, your personal experience, your professional experience, your journey and I know as it continues to go, more and more will unfold for you and then those who are listening. You are at a point in your life, right, this isn't the end. This is just where you are. Where you are doesn't identify who you are, it's just where you are. And when you take in that idea, we understand calling and purpose better. We understand moving through emotional blocks, spiritual blocks, to really stand to the fullness of who we are.
Speaker 1:So I am so delighted that you were here until the next episode. See you then. Bye for now, thanks for listening to Awaken your Inner Whole Woman. If you liked our show and want to know more, check us out at wwwawakentothenumber2powercom. You can also leave us a review on iTunes and we would love to hear your feedback. Join us next week for another episode of Awaken your Inner Whole Woman.